Monday, June 18, 2018

FETA Spring Fling 2018

Thursday, June 14th, a spectacular day, saw the 68th Annual FETA Spring Fling being held in NYC (Ok, maybe we're using fuzzy math there, but it wasn't our first Spring Fling rodeo...)  
A strong showing of spirited FETAns eager to enjoy the sunshine, warm weather and cool harbor breezes (language lifted from a Sandals resorts ad) gathered at City Pier A in Lower Manhattan. The event also saw the introduction of the prestigious and coveted FETA wristband. Each attendee received a wristband and, before long, FETA wannabees and paparazzi were offering FETAns upwards of 90 drachmas for their wristband. Angela Merkel, in town for a United Nations meeting, even suggested that Greece could settle its E.U. debts by trading 50 FETA wristbands. She was told "Nein" by the Notorious S.E.C. 
Here for your viewing pleasure are some photos from the highly enjoyable day. And thanks again to SistaPopi for organizing the party and to our generous sponsors:
Foley & Mansfield

Margolis Edelstein
Gallo Vitucci Klar

The FETA wristband is already in the high-fashion league of Christian Louboutin shoes or Members Only jackets. One onlooker tried to trade a Rolex watch for a FETA wristband but he was spurned.   

 BroMichaelJordanGeorge proudly displays his homemade name tag affixed to his dress shirt (available at Target, $5.99) Also pictured: Kristin McMahon, a FETAn-in-Waiting (ahem, get that Membership Statement in!)  

BroFlowerPower of Marshall Dennehey cozies up to BroBrownopoulos of Margolis Edelstein to try to discover Margolis Edelstein's secret for being successful enough to sponsor a FETA party.

BroFlowerPower surrounds himself with some FETA arm candy (Cecilia, Georgia, Popi and Nicole).

A guest from UHaul (whose name the SEC now forgets, lovely lady), SistaStraggler and SistaGeorgiaPeach provide more eye candy. Luckily SistaStraggler didn't marry that billionaire or we probably wouldn't know her! (yes, the SEC likes to beat dead horses)(and dead private jets, mansions, etc.)  

BroBrowopoulos explains to BroPhotoMatt how his firm won a big parking ticket appeal in Philadelphia. Kristin McMahon (not yet a Sista), clearly impressed, ponders whether to add Margolis Edelstein to her company's Parking Ticket Appeal panel.
BroZach jetted in from Chicago on the Willis corporate plane only to be told that he'd now be reporting to Willis intern Nicole Pappagiannakis (pictured to the right of SistaGeorgia Peach). BroZach was told by Willis to take a Greyhound back to Chicago. Meanwhile, State Senate Candidate Andrew Gounardes (Brooklyn) wonders whether being at this event will hurt or help his chances (answer: probably neither). Please consider making at donation to a fellow Greek's campaign at:

BroMichaelJordanGeorge has been at almost every FETA party (a fact which appears prominently on his resume and LinkedIn profile)
The St. Pauli Girls have been replaced by the St. Mythos Girls. 
The Notorious S.E.C., sporting his best Walmart Hawaiian shirt, and SistaNicole are photobombed by BroZach. This might, in fact, be classified as a "photo nuclear bomb." There were no survivors.
PowerBroKardashian shows off his new Conan O'Brian/Donald Trump mash-up hairstyle. The NYC Parks Department will be showing "Jaws" in Central Park on PowerBroKardashian's forehead on July 18th. 
BroTedKouridis (nickname long ago forgotten) shows off his best side for the camera. BroTed: Barney the Dinosaur needs his purple shirt back by Thursday.

 BroZach distributing the drinks, one of his strong suits.  

And, finally, after all those photos of arm-and-eye candy above, here's a photo of some eye broccoli. Thanks again to our sponsors and SistaPopi, we hope everyone has a great summer!   

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The FETA 2017 Christmas Party

FETA (Federation of EthnicGreek Trade Associations) held its 2017 Christmas Party on February 15, 2018 (Greek time) at Kellari Taverna in Manhattan. People flew in from all over the globe to attend this red-carpet, A-list event. 

FETA Worldwide Senior Management would once again like to thank our very generous sponsors: 

Foley Mansfield
Gordon & Rees Scully Mansukhani
Margolis Edelstein
Marshall Dennehey
Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP

And, of course, our most excellent party organizers, SistaLambrOuzo and SistaE-Kat.

This edition of the FETA Blog will engage in a little creative photo captioning (also known as "Fake News" to some.) Hey, if you want the real news, you're in the wrong place...  

The FETA four-person ice dancing team discusses strategy shortly before departing for South Korea. Auxiliary FETAn Jim Brown, Esq., of the law firm Margolis Edelstein (in red striped tie from Target) won the prize for Most Creative Name Tag. It said "James Kαφέ" (which means "brown" in Greek).  Bravo Jimbo!   

 Random shot of beautiful people. All the uglies stayed home.   

 SistaLambrOuzo shows off the pose that she used to inspire the sculptor of the "Fearless Girl" statue on Wall Street. Trivia: The fearless girl on Wall Street was defiantly waiting for her ouzo shot despite being under age. 
Image result for little girl statue on wall street

PowerBroKardashian pouts about not being invited to Kylie Jenner's baby shower. Notice that he prefers to hold his appetizer plate at a 90-degree angle (the food, all for show, is glued on.) 

BroEverythingIsComingUpVoses practices his spiel on an unsuspecting victim. 

How can a trio of lookers like this not have a single female in the photo? Some mysteries are not to be understood... 

SistaPopiOfGreenwichVillage formulates her plan to mug these three unsuspecting Midwestern rubes. Word on the street is that she netted $285 and an unused ticket to the 2017 Iowa State Fair.

 Whoa, it's getting hot in here! The cast of "The Real Housewives of Mykonos" stopped by for a surprise appearance to promote their upcoming season. Not pictured: Bethenny Frankelopoulos, creator of Skinny Girl Ouzo.  

 Insert your own caption here (hey, I'm not doing all the work). 

SistaPopiOfGreenwichVillage feigns interest in the latest ISO wording of the Additional Insured Clause. We fell asleep just typing that...

It's wine-o'clock somewhere...

 Home page photo for the new Greek dating website called "Just Marry a Nice Greek Already and Give Us Grandchildren You Vlaka." (Warning: These are professional models, don't try this at home.)

BroFlowerPower mistakenly thought the party's theme was "1980s Studio 54 Shirt Unbuttoned to the Waist." This photo was taken minutes before he donned his gold chain and Members Only jacket. 

Finally, an answer to the question: What would happen if Frankenstein and Fred Flintstone had a child? 

The two men who federal investigators determined caused New York City's hair gel shortage. 

Two of the greatest legal minds of our generation...couldn't attend the party, so we're giving you a photo of these guys instead. 

The good Sistas E-Kat and LambrOuzo purchased a vasilopita for the party at Starbucks but the stupid American barristas baked it upside down! 

 The injunction having been lifted, Sista "Lorena Bobbit" LambOuzo is once again allowed to hold a knife.  

The after-party was really rocking. Here BroZach regales the crowd with details of the finer points of insurance broker licensing in Illinois.  

 Two members of PROVOLONE were caught infiltrating the party, given away by their rapid hand movements while speaking. 

SistaChristmas displays the latest state-of-the-art technique in ignoring BroKambo. 

It's a wrap kidz. Thanks again to our generous sponsors and all of the attendees who made the 2017 FETA Christmas Party something to write home (or on a blog, anyway...) about!