Friday, July 7, 2017

FETA 2017 Spring Fling Rocks Da House

Here are your highly-anticipated photos from the FETA Spring Fling 2017, held in NYC at the beautiful Mykonos Blue restaurant on Thursday, June 29th. Thanks again to our very generous sponsors: Foley & Mansfield and Margolis Edelstein

A portion of the crowd stands in rapt attention as distinguished guest Mr. Art Dimopoulos, Executive Director of the National Hellenic Society, speaks about preserving Greek heritage. The people in the back talking among themselves are Turkish operatives who were later escorted out of the party.

Mr. Dimopoulos made the compelling point that hundreds of patents found in the technology of today's cell phones were originally owned by Kodak and Polaroid, but those companies squandered their resources and opportunities. He analogized this to various cultures, such at the Greek culture, which need to be vigilant about preserving and enhancing their assets. Then everyone drank ouzo.  

SistaLambrOuzo, drinking what appears to be a salad, and SistaKapsomera flank BroZach and PowerBroKardashian. Nothing exciting to say about this photo. 

Bill Matsikoudis, candidate for Mayor of Jersey City, also provided some brief remarks. Anyone wishing to support Mr. Matsikoudis's campaign can obtain more information HERE.  So far the election track record of politicians who have spoken at FETA events is not great, but Mr. Matsikoudis might turn that around. 

BroZorro and Art Dimopoulos apprehend SistaLambrOuzo as she attempts to sneak out with a table centerpiece.

The Spring Fling '17 was also an informal going-away (or, as many called it, a "Please, go away!") party for BroZach, who recently signed a very lucrative multi-year deal with Willis in Chicago. As part of the package, the Willis Tower will be renamed The Zach Tower (of course, as with BroZach, the elevator won't go to the top floor.) Please note the retro name tag consisting of a photo of BroZach from 1964. When an office building in Chicago in named after you, you can get away with those things.  

BroMichaelJordanGeorge relives his single-and-dating days by politely putting his arms around two beautiful women and then going home by himself. Pictured on right: SistaChristmas (NOT Jennifer Anniston) (thanks again for sponsoring SistaChristmas!)

SistaCathyStraggler(Straggas) who, we learned, once dated a guy who's now a  billionaire, shows off her name tag with a photo of the Phillie Phanatic. Translation of the caption: "I once dated a billionaire who got away, but I'm over it." [Not really, but most of you won't know...] Thanks again for sponsoring SistaStraggler! 

SistaGeorgiaPeach's personal space is uncomfortably invaded by BroNeilDiamond (left) and her husband, BroTeddyBear (right.) Unseen thought bubble above her head: "Well, I may not have married well, but at least I didn't marry this other one..."

When presented with a photo like this, of BroNeilDiamond and SistaChristmas, the only mature and reasoned response is obvious: No thanks, I use toilet paper (culled from the fourth-grade archives.)

BroHoleFoods shows his Greek patriotism, fueled, no doubt, by his tumbler full of Greek ouzo. By the way, those are clear glasses showing off BroHoleFoods' new facial tattoo. 

BroMichaelJordanGeorge and Honorary (for a day) BroJimBrownopoulos yuk it up.BroJordan was disappointed to learn that BroJimBrown never played in the NFL nor did he sing any hit songs.  

The SEC shows off his $2,400 Gucci sunglasses while BroDandelion (center) does his best facial impersonation of a baby during potty training. Notice that BroZach is wearing a Marsh lanyard. Let's hope senior Willis management doesn't read this blog or The Zach Building may have a new name.  

Honorary Greek Lisa of the Foley & Mansfield firm and BroTorreador show off some of the extremely tasty fare at Mykonos Blue. Thanks again to Sistas E-Kat and LambrOuzo for doing a great job choosing the venue and organizing the party!

BroNickKaraKostco, former head of AHEPA, and Mr. Art Dimpoulos, former friend of BroZach's (this party ended that...), discuss Nick's recent election as Prime Minister of Greece.

 The cast of the new Broadway show "Beauties and the Beasts" stopped by to say hello...

The crowd stares in amazement as a $320,000 fireworks display, paid for out of FETA's petty cash account, lights up the sky blue and white over Manhattan.

Mrs. SEC comes down off the mountain to hob nob with the FETA crowd.

BroDandelion had a bit too much fun at the party. Unseen thought bubble above SistaChristmas's head: "If I can just lift his wallet, we'll have another co-sponsor." Unseen thought bubble above SistaE-Kat's head: "I organized a party for this? Help!"

SistaSocrates and BroMichaelJordan flank SistaLambrOuzo as she does her best impersonation of a kid waking up on Christmas morning.

President Trump stopped by briefly to detail his plans to build a wall around the expense of Mexico.

 Three happy FETAns closing down the party at 4:15 am.

Mrs. SEC catches up with one of the newest FETAns, SistaChrysaZach, a recently-minted broker at Marsh in Atlanta. SistaChrysa has already BOR'd eleven of her father's (BroZach) accounts, but she says that she's stopping there -- because her brother will soon be working at Lockton, and she wants to leave some accounts for him to take. Not pictured: Any of BroZach's clients.

BroFlowerPower and BroZorro asked to have this photo taken from above to obscure any double-and triple-chins. Looks like it worked!

An aerial view of the truly excellent food on hand at Mykonos Blue, as photographed by the FETA drone.

 And, finally, we leave you with a shot of BroTeddyBear hanging out with all of his FETA friends.

Until the next party...Yasou! 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

FETA 2017 Christmas Party Under Trump Administration is a Smash Hit; 
"Yuge" Turnout, Biggest Ever, 
Over 11,650 People Attend!

Kellari Taverna on West 44th Street in Manhattan hosted the 2017 FETA (Federation of EthnicGreek Trade Associations) annual Christmas party which was sponsored by three prestigious law firms: 

Gallo Vitucci Klar
Margolis Edelstein
Welby, Brady & Greenblatt 

FETA would once again like to thank these sponsors for their generous support.  Below are some photos from the party, as captioned by President Trump's press secretary.  Enjoy! 

Optical illusions (and Crooked Hillary) may make this crowd look somewhat smaller than 11,650 people, but trust us, it was yuge!  And we had all the best words in our conversations. 

 Tal Harpaz(opoulos), a guest of Margolis Edelstein's, poses with who she thought was George Clooney but, it turns out, it was the SEC! Clooney had to cancel at the last minute, although he is rumored to be playing the SEC in the upcoming film "The FETA Story."  

Andy Harlfinger of One Beacon, also a guest of Margolis Edelstein, exhibits a new strategy in using his name tag for multiple purposes. Besides identifying him, it also serves as a napkin to protect his sweater from falling food and, additionally, it blocks the exposure of unsightly chest hairs. Bravo!  Also pictured: Paul Carbone of the Margolis firm (it's actually him, not a carbone copy) and Tal Harpazopoulos.   

SistaKapsomera and SistaDiamantis asked to be photographed with BroZach so that they'd look better in comparison. A common ploy. Ladies, you look maaaahvalous! 

Guests George Panagopoulos and Yannis Legakis discuss how they are often mistaken for being Irish based on their last names.   

BroJordanGeorgeMichael, BroScaryfaces, SistaE-Fabulous and BroPaschos (all of whom look better than ever) hop on the "Pose with BroZach (far left)" bandwagon. To his credit, however, the women tell us that BroZach has very long fingers (by now, hopefully, you've picked up on the Trump theme).   

BroTeddyKouridis throws his arm around BroJimBrownopoulos while discussing all of the cases that Ironshore isn't sending to BroJim's law firm. Get on that BroTed! 
Some of the revelers discuss the fact that President Trump is the best-looking U.S. president ever. They also marvel at the fact that every living U.S. citizen was at the inauguration.  

BroBrownopoulos and BroFredMarrakis of Ironshore discussed the most recent advancements in quantum physics. BroFred was obviously on his way to Studio 54, where a few more shirt buttons would be undone later in the evening. Control yourselves ladies!  PS Fred: Please see Andy Harlfinger's use of a name tag above.  

Following doctor's orders, BroJordanGeorgeMichael supplements some painkillers with a healthy dose of ouzo ("Take four shots and call me in the morning if you can remember anything," was the exact prescription.) Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta recently said that ouzo is effective in treating pneumonia, heart disease and butter face. 

Revelers take a short break from guzzling ouzo to enjoy some of the fine culinary fare offered by Kellari Taverna. A surprise I.C.E. ( inspection of the Kellari kitchen revealed no illegal immigrants (although there were five at the party). President Trump was pleased.   

SistaEveAnnCasablanca is flanked by BroPaschos and BroMichaelJordanGeorge. Note all of the strategic photo angles from above in order to obscure double and triple chins and protruding nose hairs (not with respect to the ladies, of course...) 

Kudos to SistaPopi for organizing yet another splendid FETA Christmas party. And she almost looks happy about it! 

SistaE-Fabulous asked the SEC to pose for her Facebook profile photo.  Her friends will be surprised to learn that she knows Geo. Clooney. 

Another photo to convince us that BroTeddyBearStefas and BroNeilDiamondDiamantis must have vast concealed wealth to attract these fine yenekas. It's the only reasonably explanation that we can conceive with respect to these short-fingered FETAn brothers. LeBron James doesn't even play this high above the rim. 

BroScaryFaces donated $500 to a charity for claims managers with disfigured faces and personality disorders for the privilege of being photographed with the SEC. He said the name of it is "The Human Fund."  

And, finally, to close our FETA photographic festival of fun, SistaPope poses with BroStopAndSmellTheVoses. Many of the 11,650 attendees had left the party by this point. The greatest time ever was had by all at this "yuge" success of a party (paid for, in part, by the people of Mexico).  

We hope to see you at the next FETA event!