Friday, June 24, 2016

Spring Fling 2016 - Making FETA Great Again!

FETA (Federation of EthnicGreek Trade Associations for those of you linking to this blog from the People Magazine or Academy Awards websites) held it's 87th Annual Spring Fling at KEFI on the Upper West Side last night. 

By all accounts (and this is really the only account you'll get) it was a rousing success, even more so than BroKambo's lingerie modeling career or BroJimmy's short-lived stint competing in a spelling bee (when did people start spelling "cat" with a "c?").

Once again, we'd like to give a shout out to SistaPope, who organized the party, and, of course, our generous sponsors: 

Gallo Vitucci Klar LLP 
Kaufman, Dolowich & Voluck
Margolis Edelstein 
Sheehy, Ware & Pappas, PC

For your viewing pleasure, here are some snaps from last night's soiree (the SEC would've taken more but he ran out of film for his Polaroid Land camera): 

An aerial view of the raucous crowd (drone provided by Boeing)

BroDandelion attaches himself to guest Jeremy Dietch(opoulos). 

 Here we see SistaEA-Casablanca sporting her new "Blonde Ambition Tour" look for guest Jim Brown(opoulos) of Margolis Edelstein, a firm that has never lost a case and has never had a client complain about anything (hey, if you sponsor our party we're happy to spew some BS on your behalf!) 

New member BroKhaki-Kakoullis enjoys his first FETA party along with BroKaraCostco, SistaG-Miz (new nickname since the SEC can't remember the previous), new member SistaChristian (who was motoring quite a bit during the party) and BroJimTard who was sporting his new Gro (Greek afro).  

A group shot: SistaEA-Casablanca, Jim Brownopoulos, Ray Tiburzi-anos, new member BroKryptonite and our hostess, SistaPope.  

 You've already seen this group but without BroJimTard in the photo they look much more attractive.  

The SEC wore a yellow shirt to commemorate the anniversary of the Greek army's victory in the Yellow War of 385 BC. fought in Mongolia and Krapistan  [That's total BS but some of you probably believed it for a second...]

BroTeddyBear Stefas smiles at being allowed to appear in a photo with his lovely wife SistaGeorgiaPeach. Also pictured: SistaE-Fabulous and BroTedKordonBleu (another new nickname; it's hard to keep track of 97 nicknames people so get over yourselves!) 

BroKhaki enjoys some delicious chow while temporarily in New Member Time Out.  Not pictured: Any other FETAns.  

BroZach wows SistaEA-Casablanca with a tale of the latest accounts he's brought in for Integro: The Trump campaign's libel/slander coverage and the Trade/Credit policy for Britain's business deals as a member of the EU. 

 New member BroKryptonite appears thrilled to be photographed with BroDandelion and SistaPope. He's single-handedly bringing the clip-on tie back into fashion. Shirt/tie combination provided by Dollar Tree. SistaPope's dress by Armani.  

BroZach succinctly sums up the prevailing sentiment of the evening. 

Yasou kids, we hope to see you at the next FETA event!